It was a tough decision, they are all such great ideas. The winner is........
Marcia!!!Here is the comment that was left:
My request would be for a kit that includes summer outdoor fun in the sun. Swings, sandboxes, bicycles, bugs, bubbles, etc. Yes boyish as I have 2 of them. Fun primary colors and some word tags using the label tape perhaps that say swing, run, play, sand, etc. I love lots of elements and textured papers too. Thanks bunches!
Congratulations Marcia! Email me at within the next 24 hours and I will send you your FREE kit as soon as I finish designing it. If I do not hear from you within the time frame I will choose another winner. So if you were not chosen, keep checking back to see if I choose your idea!
The kit is named "Child's Play" and will be released within the next few days. (depending on my crazy hectic schedule) I am sad to announce that my Grandpa passed away on Friday. :( We were just at his house days earlier for Easter. He seemed absolutely fine! It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Death is a very mysterious thing, and really makes me appreciate my time on this earth. My grandpa was an awesome man. He will be greatly missed and forever in my heart.
On a happier note, there is another great contest I will be posting shortly! Check back in a few minutes!!!!!
Here is a freebie paper from the upcoming "Child's Play" kit... Enjoy!
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