This is part 1 of my 3 part plaid papers from the Love Collection. Downloads will only be available for 3 days for my loyal faithful blog readers that are sticking by me after all I have been through. You all have been super patient waiting for Live, Laugh and Love to come back. Ah, feels like home again. lol
These papers were made using Megadoodle Inspired's Mega-Pattern sets. I just love everything that she designs and couldn't wait to share with you all!!! Take a look at her CU sets on her blog here. (She also has some great freebie alerts posted)

Thanks for downloading and look for part 2 tomorrow! ABC brag book pages are being designed now :)
Thank you so much! The papers are gorgeous :D
Hi Casey!!
It's candice! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your papers. I am going to go over to the Doodle Inspired blog. I have seen her stuff before and I actually have a coupon that was sent to me before, but I wasn't sure if I'd really know what to do w/ the overlays....however, I have been reading my tutorial and I think it's something that I can do!! LOL!
I rec'd your email, just been busy....actually had a handful of interview this week, amazing!!! :-)
I'll reply to your email at some point today. I have another interview at 1:30 today, so things are picking up, which is odd... I was thinking with the holidays approaching I would hear from ANYONE and it's been the opposite.
Talk to you soon! Mwah!
Hiya! Wahoo, love the new papers! :) TYVM
Thanks! The papers are gorgeous!
Thanks for the cute papers!!!!!
ooh, thank you! I'm a big fan of plaids and argyles. Must be the geek in me ;) Thanks again!
Thank You!
TY4S! Appreciate it greatly!
Awesome papers...THX4S...
Thanks so much for the papers. Being 60, I just know that I have pictures around that will call out for them.
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