Can you believe it? It's our very first dollar day and it's so exciting! For the first time ever we have almost 350 items on sale for one dollar for one day only! Come one come all, deals like this don't come around too often and it is officially our one year birthday here at Pretty Scrappy so we are celebrating in style! Click here to go straight to our $1 day category where you will find hundreds of items including new releases for just a buck!
Not only do we have our fabulous dollar deal going on, but almost everything else in the store is 20% off!
Many of you have been keeping up with the birthday events in the forum so you may already know this, but in case you haven't heard... we now have our very own chatroom!!! It was put to good use this weekend as we had our first Speed Scrap! The speed scrap was such a huge success that we have decided to make it a weekly event so be on the lookout in the forum for dates and times! The next one will be this Saturday! Be there or be square!
Thanks for helping us celebrate our first birthday at Pretty Scrappy! We sure had fun! Be sure to take advantage of these $1 deals quick because the sale ends promptly at midnight CST. Have fun and thank you for wishing us a very Scrappy Birthday!